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Mr. Stevens Chan Kum Fai

In 2002, the world that Stevens Chan knew came to an end. As an active businessman, Stevens was living a regular life, just like any normal person. However, disaster struck, as he found out that he had Glaucoma, an eye disease that can cause blindness. Even after nine eye surgeries, he gradually lost all of his vision in 2007.


However, it was in this darkest period, that he discovered light.

It came in the form of his faith in God, and his loving wife, that stood by him, unwavering in her love and support. He felt that God was sustaining him and knew that in Him he could put his trust.






Soon, despair turned into a sense of mission. Stevens found a new calling in his life--to stop what happened to him from happening to others. To achieve this, he founded Malaysia Glaucoma Society and later on, Save Ones Sight Missions Bhd. with a vision of stopping and preventing unnecessary blindness. He also wants to help patients with different eye disorders cope, supporting them so they’ll have the strength to continue living with sight impairment.


As the co-founder of Dialogue in the Dark Malaysia, Stevens now hopes that through the medium of darkness people will learn to love and appreciate light and not to take their GOD given eyesight for granted in addition to equipping, enabling and empowering the visually impaired community whilst enlightening the sighted community in handling diversity.

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